What are Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs)?

STI is short for sexually transmissible infection – an infection you can get from having sex with someone who has that infection.

Common STIs in remote communities are chlamydia, gonorrhoea, trichomonas and syphilis. HIV is also an STI.

Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs)

STIs affect young people especially people aged 15–34 years and are very common in many remote and isolated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

You can have an STI and not know it, because many STIs have no signs or symptoms—that’s why it is important to get tested regularly.

Even if you are feeling well, it can be causing damage to your body. You can also pass the infection on to people you have sex with even if you feel well and don’t have symptoms.

STIs can be very dangerous for pregnant women. They can harm both the mum and baby. Testing as soon as you know you’re pregnant and during pregnancy is super important.

Videos About STIs

STI Fact Sheets

Factsheets on each of the STIs and BBVs affecting young people in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities are available in two formats – a longer form, as well as a shorter form outlining “the basics”.

There are also Factsheets on what’s involved in getting tested for STIs and BBVs

Click here for our factsheets about STIs.

Sexually Transmissible Infections (STIs) Testing

Getting tested for an STI is quick and easy.

As many STIs do not have symptoms, regular testing (every 6-12 month) is an important part of sexual health and wellbeing. It’s free, confidential, and usually just peeing in a cup and a blood test.

Videos About Getting Tested

Getting Tested Fact Sheets

Factsheets on getting tested are available in two formats – a longer form, as well as a shorter form outlining “the basics”.

Helpful Resources

Better to Know is a website for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women. It provides detailed information on STIs and BBVs, and on getting tested– in two sections, Men’s Business and Women’s Business. You can organise to be sent a reminder SMS to have a sexual health check. You can also use the website to notify recent sex partners that they need to have a sexual health check. This can be done anonymously – they won’t know that it was you that sent the message. The clinic can help you with this.

Young Deadly Free is a project by the University of Queensland Poche Centre for Indigenous Health (formerly the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute). © UQ POCHE 2024

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